iPhone Repairs

For those who own an iPhone or any top gaming phones, any form of damage to their device will leave them with a hefty repair bill. Under normal circumstances, owners will need to have their phone repaired by Apple or an authorised repair store. However, things have changed after pressure from the grassroots right-to-repair movement have forced Apple to allow owners and independent repair shops to offer iPhone repairs.

Apple will launch this in a new store in the US which will sell more than 200 parts and tools but the company has announced that this self-repair service is intended for those who have experience of fixing electronic devices. The market for the latest mobile phones is extremely competitive and Apple needs to show that it’s embracing change. Especially when you consider the different mobile phone deals currently available and that includes the likes of the game-changing latest Google Pixel phone.

So, this means that for most people, visiting a certified repair shop is considered to be the better option when their Apple device becomes damaged. What’s more, it also proves that Apple is changing its tune and that means that this is likely to be rolled out on a wider scale once the company gets things off the ground.

The company has said that giving people access to genuine parts makes it possible for them to have the option to repair should they need it. This will mean that people can keep their device, use genuine parts and ensure that their device continues to hold its value for many years to come.

iPhone Repairs

The Big Win

Apple has been known to take a strong stance when it comes to the right-to-repair, claiming that safety issues are the reason they prefer customers to use their repair service. This comes after Apple made it a lot more difficult to repair their iPhone screen, causing repair companies a real problem when dealing with customers and their damaged devices.

After stating for so long people shouldn’t fix their own devices and with new interest from the government, Apple has taken a different approach and given in to let people fix their own devices. This might be a small step but for those companies who want to offer the service, it is a big step in the right direction. It will provide customers with access to thousands of Apple authorised service providers and independent repair providers who can access all the parts, tools and manuals they require.

iPhone Camera repair

In the last three years, the company has been expanding its repair network and so, access to official parts has doubled. Despite this, the authorised repair schemes have been hit with heavy criticism as there have been extensive terms and restrictions in place such as where the replacement parts come from. This has caused significant problems when it comes to carrying out repair and it has made it highly unlikely that a component from a broken phone could be used in a repair.  Furthermore, Apple will maintain tight control of the pricing of these components.

In recent years, the right-to-repair movement has gained a lot of attention as they have lobbied for fair repair legislation. To add to this, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who created the first Apple computer in his garage has shown his support for the movement stating that Apple wouldn’t have flourished had it not been for open technology.


Why Has Apple Changed its Mind?

Apple isn’t known for letting customers do their own thing when it comes to iPhone repairs. Take a look back over the last decade and it’s clear to see that Apple has made it almost impossible to make repairs, the iPhone and Macbook have been locked down.

Sure, users can follow guides and attempt to carry out their own repairs or rely on companies to do it for them. However, this was a risk because only a few weeks ago, we found that replacing the display on the latest iPhone 13 caused FaceID to disable. This was clear proof that Apple was against people taking care of repairs on their own.

Their change in approach to iPhone repairs is more likely to be down to pressure from the government and customers. Apple has always claimed to listen to users but have never gone all out and offered them the opportunity to repair their own device.

The company even took one step further and created lightning chargers. However, a change in EU legislation around standardising charging cables could mean that Apple loses more grip on its market and its users.


The move is an extension of the program that Apple launched in 2020 when it began offering parts and training to repair shops that met their own specific qualifications. This is proof that Apple is slowly beginning to open up access to repairs because the company has to offer users the freedom to explore their own options.

This might seem like a significant step, and it is, but Apple will need to expand at a faster rate if they are going to meet the right-to-repair needs and expectations of consumers.

At OneTech Gadgets, we provide access to the latest deals on tablets, as well as the best mobile phone deals. What’s more, our sister company Onetech Repairs also offer mobile phone repair, which means that very soon, we could take care of repairing your newest iPhone!